> Trying to kill the keyboard, William Jensen produced:
> > Greetings Debians,
> > 
> > It's time I do scsi. I've wanted to for as long as I can remember but I've
> > always been a little chicken to dive into it.  Well no more.  I'd like some
> > recommendations from those of you on this list that use scsi.  Here is what
> > I am thinking about so far...
> > 
> > Card:
> > 
> >    Adaptec 2940U2W (with 2.4.0-test8 kernel) <- linux.com claims support in
> >                                             2.2x kernels so I assume 2.4
> >                                             will also
> I haven't run into any problems with my onboard U2W 7xxx chip, so...
SUPPOSEDLY there are bugs in the driver.  i've run one of these for 2 years
now, with absolutely no problems except slink didn't seem to recognize it.
:(   maybe it was a slink problem?  i dunno.  suse saw it fine.

> >    Now I've looked at the scsi section in menuconfig and I cannot find any
> >    reference to any 2940 cards though linux.com's articles say that kernel 
> > 2.2
> >    you can use and compile the low-level drivers in.  What am I missing here
> >    that i cannot find them?
> Anyhow what you want to look for is AHA/AIC 7xxx devices. Linux supports 
> most (all?) of them.

> > CD ROM/Burner
> > 
> > A Plextor RW PX-W12432Ti/SW <- a 12/4/32 (write/re-write/read) cdrom for
> >                            burning cd's and general cdrom usage
> Seeing that I've got very little beyond zero in the line of roasting CDs
> on Linux I'll leave this to someone who has more than me.
according to the latest issue of maximum linux, this cdr got a 10 out of 10
penguins.  they also mentioned that setup was a breeze.

point of information, the plextor ultraplex wide's user manuall specifically
mentions linux, and has a linux setup section.  in my book, plextor is hunky

>> HardDrive
>> 2 seagate ST39175LW  barricudda's which are 9.1Gb ultra2 wide scsi 7200 rpm
>> drives. I was figuring one for linux and one for windows (gotta game fellas).

don't expect miracles with a scsi hard drive.  unless you plan on running
something like a massive database server, you're prolly wasting your money.
i got an ibm deskstar from pricewatch; 150 bucks for a 30GB drive, 72krpm,
8ms seek time.   i honestly can't tell the difference between this drive and
the average SCSI drive i see at our installfests.

as far as gaming goes, may i suggest you support linux games as well?
linux games are not selling as well as people would've liked.  id software
says that quake 3 *barely* paid for the cost of development.  the author of
hopkins fbi is almost certain to not come out with hopkins II.   (hopkins
fbi is the best linux game i've ever seen).

> > Any/all comments or suggestions to avoid "gotcha's" would be very much
> > appreciated.  Thanks for your time.  My intent here is to jump into as much
> > performance as I can "reasonably" afford.

the best performance increase is to install linux.

(also, see man hdparam).


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