On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 02:14:49PM -0400, John Ackermann wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, staf wagemakers writes:
> >You could add the next line to your /etc/mail/sendmail.mc 
> >
> >FEATURE(accept_unresolvable_domains) 
> I regularly see "domain must resolve" messages in my logs, usually from
> random sites Out There.  Is there a significant security/spam risk in
> accepting unresolvable domains?  I have the antispam stuff (no relaying,
> etc.) turned on in my sendmail.mc already.

Normally you don't want to accept mail from non-valid domains, all from
addresses should have a valid internet address. I don't think your mailserver
get a open relay by enabling this "feature" but I wouldn't use it on a 
mailserver that is connected to the internet.

You can't reply to message because it comes from a non-existing domain, so
why would you waste time to read it :)

Staf Wagemakers

email      : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
homepage   : http://www.digibel.org/~staf

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