would be helpful if you specified what kind of MB you have with what
kind of controller, and what brand/type of HD, on the linux-kernel
mailing list the IDE guy has cursed Western Digital drives for not
behaving in a sane manner when doing DMA transfers. and for causing
major problems when WD drives are mixed with other drives.


Julio Merino wrote:
> Hi all,
> In another message I explained that my system crashed when playing
> with apm/noflushd and then woody was broken. Well, I think the problem
> is not about the disk filesystem because it now seems ok (no symlinks,
> bad names, bad sizes, etc).
> I've bought (at last! :) a new 20 GB drive, partitioned it and
> installed the base potato. Everything seemed ok, but it randomly
> crashes with a kernel panic (as happens with woody). I haven't still
> installed the standard system (I'm downloading the packages).
> So, I have take out all isa and pci cards leaving only the graphics
> one. I have also unplugged all the hard disks, leaving only the new
> potato one and I have take out my memory dimms and put on another time
> (I have 128 MB in 3 dimms, 2x32 mb and 1x64 mb); now, I only have 64
> mb because I have unplugged the 64 mb dimm. I also have 200 mb of
> swap, that I have tried also to disable.
> Everything of this is running on a Pentium II 233 Mhz, that I have
> overclocked to 262 Mhz several months ago without any problems. Now, I
> have put it back to 233 Mhz to see if this was the problem, but it
> results in the same problem.
> So, any ideas please???
> Many thanks.
> --
> Do you really think win is easy to use?
> ---------------------------------------
> Juli-Manel Merino Vidal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     Running Debian GNU/Linux woody
> ---------------------------------------
> --
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