Kind of odd.

yesterday i setup a NIS/NFS server on Solaris7 x86 (inside vmware ontop
of debian). To test it i setup a Linux mandrake 7.1 distro since it has
built in NIS during the install(again on top of another machine in
vmware ontop of debian) it works fine.

i have a debian 2.2r0 based laptop. apt-get'd the nis package and
configured NIS.  i can login fine via NIS, i can mount the NFS exports,
but i cant run yppasswd it says rpc.yppasswdd is not running on the
server. the mandrake machine can run yppasswd just fine. so can the
solaris machine and yppasswdd *IS* running on the solaris box:

[Solaris v7 x86]
starbase% ps -ef | grep rpc
   aphro  1887  1882  0 04:42:56 pts/2    0:00 grep rpc
    root   866   864  0 13:33:01 ?        0:00 rpc.nisd_resolv -F -C 9
-p 1073741824 -t udp
    root   852     1  0 13:32:59 ?        0:00 /usr/sbin/rpcbind
    root   881     1  0 13:33:06 ?        0:00
    root   879     1  0 13:33:06 ?        0:00
/usr/lib/netsvc/yp/rpc.yppasswdd -m

[Linux Mandrake 7.1]

sh-2.04$ yppasswd 
Changing NIS account information for jamal on starbase.
Please enter old password:
Changing NIS password for jamal on starbase.
Please enter new password:
The password must have both upper and lowercase letters, or non-letters.
Please enter new password:
The password must have both upper and lowercase letters, or non-letters.
Please enter new password:
Please retype new password:
The NIS password has been changed on starbase.      

[Debian 2.2r0]
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ yppasswd
yppasswd: yppasswdd not running on NIS master host


since it works in mandrake and in solaris i imagine this would be more a
debian issue. i looked at the docs and didn't see much on this issue.
any ideas? my next idea would be to compare the configs of the mandrake
and debian boxen. again, i can LOGIN fine using NIS on the debian box,
and mount the home directories and stuff _no problem_ but i can't use
any of the yp* commands yppasswd ypchfn etc.



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