I have Win2K and Debian at home, (excuse: my day job is developing in MS
env. Yuch)
For my MS stuff I keep a 1.5G for system and programs, 250M for swap and a
1G FAT32 for files - NTFS is notoriously incompatible so I prefer FAT32 for
personal stuff.  Speed is only really an issue with loading apps anyhow.  I
also kept the Win98 that came in the box, and use Partition Magic and Boot
Magic with that.  Guests can use Win98 for surfing, stops them breaking
anything.  I have BootMagic pointing to my / Debian which is also where LILO
is loaded, ie not on the MBR.
MBR: BootMagic
Win98 (contains boot menu for 98 and 2000)  1G
/ 250MB
Linux swap 128M (should be 256 really I think)
Win2K 1.5G
Win2Kswap 250M

/usr 2G
/home 4G
userFAT32 1G
and some system backups.

Loads of space left over, (HDB=20G)  and is quite flexible, if I want to try
a new dist I keep the MBR and /home and everything works OK.

Tim Anderson

        > Hey, im about to install deb2.2, can anyone recommend a specific
        > partitioning scheme?
        > Like if im willing to allocate 20 gigs.  I figured id just do 128
for /swap,
        > and the rest to /, but ive had friends tell me they do other
partitions like
        > /boot, /user, and /home.  What do you guys recommend ?
        > Also, im dual booting next to win2k(dont flame my, I have to do 3d
        > rendering), will I need to make a special boot partition for LILO?
        > heard something about /mbr which I dont understand.
        > Will someone clarify this stuff for me? Thanks!
        > ____________
        >     _thaReF
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