On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 11:36:12PM -0800, Ethan Benson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 11:55:23PM -0700, kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:

> > Also, as this started off as a Debian thread somewhere/somehow, do you
> > have any suggestions for auditing a box through dpkg / apt, including
> > verification of packages (including checksum or signature tests where
> > possible), detecting binaries *not* associated with packages, and/or
> > possibly reinstalling a package over an existing instance?  I believe
> > RPM has at least some of these capabilities, not sure that DEBs do.
> look at the packages, debsums and cruft, debsums can check md5sums on
> all files (if the package came with such a list, and not all do) cruft
> alegedly finds files unexplained by the packaging system, i have not
> quite figured out how to make cruft work though, it always starts
> spewing off every file and directory starting from /

...and supposing debsums turns up some incorrectly checksummed packages?
How do you go about correcting this?  ...or do I remember reading about
a reinstall w/ force option somewher....

> the problem with debsums is its trivial for a root to tamper with
> /var/lib/dpkg/info/foo.md5sums.  a root can also just install a custom
> .deb, though this will be rather apparent the way dselect/apt
> operate. (apt will always replace a custom package with the real one
> if the versions are the same, dselect shows packages not listed in the
> Packages.gz file as `obsolete')
> ideally what is needed is some tripwire like functionality integrated
> into dpkg.  tripwire is impossibly inconvenient if you install
> packages often or track unstable.  

Oi, this would be cool.

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