On Tue, Sep 19, 2000 at 05:05:49PM +0000, stefan goeman wrote:
> Any of you ever been playing around with BeOS?

I have it installed, but I don't play around with it too much.  That would
involve me rebooting Linux, after all!

> I wonder if it is easy to install especially on a PC with Win98 and 
> linux already running?

I never had a problem installing it, but I didn't want it running subordinate
to any other OS, so when I got my new box, I knew that I wanted to tri-boot
Win98 (games), BeOS (just cause), Linux (everything else).
So I installed Win98 into it's partition, downloaded/installed FreeBeOS, and
then using FreeBeOS, installed BeOS onto It's partition, and made a boot-disk
for it.

If you're curious:
Win98:          hda1    1.5GB
BeOS:           hda2    1.5GB
Debian /:       hda3    500MB
Debian swap:    hda5    128MB
Debian /usr:    hda6    ~2.5GB

> From there web page and some other documentation, I have the impression 
> they have a very good bootmanager.

Their boot manager is the one that I use, and it's very sexy.  I don't do
anything fancy with it, just pick from the 3 OSes, but it's easy to use, clean,
fast, and hasn't failed me yet.  What more could you ask for?

I've got it set to a 5 second delay, with primary boot being Linux.


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