i don't think i am (i use ppp):

# ps ax | grep -i pump
 1909 pts/0    S      0:00 grep -i pump
# ps ax | grep -i dhcp
 1911 pts/0    S      0:00 grep -i dhcp

there was a script for pump in rc2.d, but it's not linked in any of the
runlevels, and i greped for it in the scripts that are linked in rc2.d.

anyway, i just removed pump from the system (interestingly, it didn't remove
the script, so i removed that by hand).

i'll reboot to do a test, but is there another possible cause?


> On 21-Sep-2000 Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> > dear all,
> > 
> > i keep putting
> >       search ucdavis.edu
> > 
> > in my resolv.conf, but every time i boot up, the search directive
> > disappears!   is there any reason why debian is deleting that line from
> > resolv.conf?
> > 
> you are running a dhcp client like pump probably.  dhcp overwrites the
> resolv.conf.

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