Quoth Paul Seelig, 
> Not even this, actually.  As you should have seen yourself, IE is at
> best available on Solaris and HP-UX but this definitely still rules
> out Linux.  I work a lot with HP-UX at it's very own company's place
> and neither i nor actually any of my colleages has used or even seen
> IE on HP-UX.
> As i'm told it is pretty unsusable on either Solaris and HP-UX because
> it depends so much on the Win32 API that at least half of windows had
> to be ported to *NIX to make it crawl^H^H^Hrun on it.

Our local Sun systems administrator has tried it out on Solaris, and
apparently it's pretty horrible. MS didn't do it, from memory, they
outsourced it, but I can't thinking of anything that MS has done for
*nix that isn't a nightmare (FrontPage Server Extensions spring to

FWIW, I've been using one of the M18 nightlies of Mozilla. It's still a
little slow to start up, and it will eventually eat all your RAM, but
it's very usable. Certainly miles ahead of M17 of Netscape PR2.



Damon Muller              | Did a large procession wave their torches
Criminologist/Linux Geek  | As my head fell in the basket,
http://killfilter.com     | And was everybody dancing on the casket...
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