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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

> You guys seem to know everything... so I thought I'd ask my stupid question
> here even though it's not actually a debian question. I hope you don't mind.

As someone once said, "There are no stupid questions".

> I want to buy a domain name,

You can't buy it; you "rent" it but NSI owns it and can do what they want
with it :(

> and use one of my debian boxen as the primary DNS server for it. I'm
> already running a caching-only DNS server, and I've read about how to
> add a domain to bind. However, it seems like there's a catch-22
> involved in the registration process. NSI wants me to already have a
> name server set up for the domain before I buy it. However, I thought
> I would have to own a domain before I added it to my name server. So
> how does one do this?

Add the domain to bind like you normally would.  It doesn't matter which
order you do it in (register with NSI vs setup DNS); just as long as your
primary DNS server is correctly configured and the root servers have been
set to send requests for your domain to your name server (NSI does that
part when you register with them) everything will work out fine.

It's also generally considered to be a good idea to add a secondary name
server (with a slave zone, to use bind 8.x terminology) for backup

> Also, I'm within a university network. Do you think the university net
> admins would have to do anything for me to get this set up? I guess I don't
> fully understand the system. *sigh*

It depends on their network infrastructure, particularly firewalls/proxy
servers.  As long as any host in the world can connect to port 53 (tcp and
udp) on your primary DNS server, they shouldn't need to do a thing.

- -- 
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Phil Brutsche                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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