> As some of you know, I've recently converted to a full scsi system.  I
> compiled a 2.4.0-test8 kernel with the following options:
> SCSI device sdb: hdwr sector= 512 bytes. Sectors= 35843671 [17501 MB]
[17.5 GB]
>  sdb: sdb1 sdb2 sdb3
> Excuse me?  sdb?  I only have one HD in the system which is broken into three
> partitions.  Windoze, swap, linux.  What does the second entry mean?

I also had this with test8, but I can't yet remember why, I switched back
to the last good test version I was using (2, was the last time I tried a
test version, didn't have the time for any others). Not just because of
this but also because the whole kernel modules directory structure (in
/lib/modules/ you know what I mean (?)) changed and I didn't feel like
playing with the /etc/modutils/ again.

I would be interrested in hearing why this is though, but I think it's
just some kind of test8 specific bug (it's still fun having so many
harddisks though ;) you can even access them over those dual devices !
Atleast I could (I tried to startup cfdisk or something I think).

(I just looked it up a bit in the kernel archives) seems they also turned
some things around in the SCSI initialitation code. There was a whole
thread about SCSI scanning so, I'm sure they are working on it.

Try using a test9pre kernel, maybe that works better. Or go back to 2.2.17
or something (for now). All I can suggest.

About your other issues I don't know.

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