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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

> I am ICT Coordinator in a Leicestershire High School (UK). Our network
> comprises an NT 4 server and about 40 workstations running Windows 95. I
> want to add a machine to act as a proxy web cache to speed up Internet
> access through our meagre 128K ISDN dial-up link. I intend using Linux
> and squid.

Squid will make that ISDN line go from unusable to pretty decent.

> SuSE are very active in the educational arena in the UK and they
> maintain an excellent schools mailing list. It appears that most of my
> colleagues are using SuSE to implement their proxy web cache. As a
> Debian user (well Storm now) i would prefer to use Debian or Storm
> Linux.
> Everyone says how easy it is to set up squid using YAST in SuSE Linux.
> Does anyone have any experience of setting up squid in Debian? Is it
> harder?

I've never used YAST, but configuring squid on Debian isn't any harder
than on any other distribution (ie RedHat)

All you really need to do is:

* Configure the ACL list to allow your IP number range to access the web
  cache - squid defaults to "deny everyone but localhost by default"
* Propery configure the httpd_accel_* options in squid.conf.  What you
  need to do is listed here: http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/FAQ/FAQ-17.html

> I have no experience of Linux and networking, apart from connecting my
> workstation to the Internet so it has to be relatively easy!!

Ignore what the link I gave you says about "transparent proxying" - all
that information might confuse you.  The part about configuring squid is
what you need to look at.

- -- 
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Phil Brutsche                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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