On Mon, Sep 25, 2000 at 09:08:19AM -0400, Michael P. Soulier wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 25, 2000 at 02:57:55AM -0500, will trillich wrote:
> > hmm!
> > 
> > what process do you use to invoke perl as a mail filter?
> > 
> > or is it just a
> >     :0
> >     |/usr/bin/perl someScript
> > thingy? (i presume that would compile the script once for
> > each and every message, yes?)
> > 
> > point me to the manpage, i will go.
>     Just my $HOME/.forward file. I'm using sendmail as my MTA, so
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] msoulier]$ cat .forward
> | /home/msoulier/bin/mailfilter
>     A pipe to the script invokes the filter. 
>     I do a lot of Perl development for work, and I find procmail recipes hard
> to read. I know, if I can read Perl regexps, I can read procmail, but it's
> just easier to do it in Perl. Fun too. ;-)
>     I can include the entire script if you like. You'll need Mail::Internet
> and Mail::Audit before you can use it, but you can grab those off the CPAN.

cool -- that'd be great! (i finally learned the CPAN module... hopefully
it won't conflict with an apt-get install ...) this sounds wonderful!

i agree with you on the procmail recipes. eek!

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