On Mon, 25 Sep 2000, John Hasler wrote:
> Marc writes:
> > If I kill a running pppd/ stop a connection by running poff with or
> > without the the -a option I am able to reconnect only for a few minutes.
> What dose plog say?

First I connect and just disconnect:

Sep 25 23:08:21 rayman pppd[1113]: Script /etc/ppp/ip-down started (pid 1139)
Sep 25 23:08:21 rayman pppd[1113]: sent [LCP TermReq id=0x2 "User request"]
Sep 25 23:08:21 rayman pppd[1113]: rcvd [LCP TermAck id=0x2]
Sep 25 23:08:21 rayman pppd[1113]: Connection terminated.
Sep 25 23:08:21 rayman pppd[1113]: Connect time 0.6 minutes.
Sep 25 23:08:21 rayman pppd[1113]: Sent 1950 bytes, received 48423 bytes.
Sep 25 23:08:21 rayman pppd[1113]: Waiting for 1 child processes...
Sep 25 23:08:21 rayman pppd[1113]:   script /etc/ppp/ip-down, pid 1139
Sep 25 23:08:21 rayman pppd[1113]: Script /etc/ppp/ip-down finished (pid 
status = 0x0
Sep 25 23:08:21 rayman pppd[1113]: Exit.                                      
Later I try to exec pon again:

Sep 25 23:32:05 rayman chat[1154]:  -- got it
Sep 25 23:32:05 rayman chat[1154]: send (ATDT0101901929^M)
Sep 25 23:32:05 rayman chat[1154]: expect (CONNECT)
Sep 25 23:32:05 rayman chat[1154]: ^M
Sep 25 23:32:05 rayman chat[1154]: ATZ^M^M
Sep 25 23:32:05 rayman chat[1154]: OK^M
Sep 25 23:32:50 rayman pppd[1153]: Connect script failed
Sep 25 23:32:50 rayman chat[1154]: alarm
Sep 25 23:32:50 rayman chat[1154]: Failed
Sep 25 23:32:51 rayman pppd[1153]: Exit.

> > Btw from time to time I get a bus error by running poff.
> What version of ppp?  What kernel?  What does plog say?  Please post your
> provider file.

I am using potato. Therefore pppd is 2.3.11. Kernel is 2.2.15 without 
patches.  I can't reproduce the bus error, but I will inspect the log next 
time when the error reappears. The provider and chat files were created by 

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