This is not a bug list server, but a user-list server.
so He was not irresponsible

Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

> On Tue, 26 Sep 2000, Jeremy S. Warn wrote:
> > Having tremendous difficulty installing onto harddrive.  I completely
> > cleaned my system off, and I'm now stuck with a pc that won't boot off the
> > partitions that the software setup,
> if you completely cleaned your hard drive off, it's unclear why you'd think
> the PC would boot.  it needs an operating system to boot.
> > and, due to loss of drivers, I can't
> > read the CD I bought.  I'm VERY desperate for assistance....
> you DID make a rescue disk, right?
> it's irresponsible to mail a request for help to a bugs listserve.  you
> haven't found a bug.  you just don't know what to do.
> pete
> --
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