Satyajit Das wrote:
> I have 6.4 GB Harddisk.
> /dev/hda1------ dos
> /dev/hda5----- Win95
> /dev/hda6----- Swap
> /dev/hda7----- Slackware-2.2.13 kernel
> /dev/hda8--- -- /boot
> /dev/hda9-----/storm-2.2.13 kernel
> but problem is install LILO.
> In storm Linux "Linux OS boot Manager Configuration" section I select
> /hda7,give label= "slack" and kernel=2.2.13 type and click "default boot
> image"
> but when storm going to install LILO :
> storm add
> win95 add
> 2.2.13 partition not found (like this message)
> please urgently help me,what I will do ?
> how can install safely storm and slackware in same harddisk and LILO
> boot both linux properly.
> If you suggest to make again partition I shall do according to your advise.

If you want LILO to boot multiple installations of Linux, it has to be
able to find the kernels for each one when you install it.

I have a similar situation, with Debian, Redhat and Slackware all living
on the same computer.

You only need to install LILO from one of the linux partitions. From
that partition, you then mount each of the other linux partitions
somewhere. I install lilo from my RedHat partition, and mount my debian
partiton at /mnt/deb and the slackware partition at /mnt/slack.

Next, you have 2 choices.

choice 1: you can copy the kernel files from the other linux partitions
to your lilo one, put the correct paths to them into your boot manager
configuration (or lilo.conf if you prefer to do it yourself), run
lilo... and that's that. Every time you upgrade a kernel you have to
repeat the procedure, copying the new kernel to the lilo-installed linux
partition and re-running lilo.

choice 2 (I did this): instead of copying the kernels, make a symlink to
them *from the path where the kernels would be if you were to boot up
into that installation*.
For example: I install lilo in my redhat partition. In my debian
partition, the kernel is /boot/linux-2.2.16. When redhat is running, I
have debian mounted in /mnt/deb, so the kernel file is found in
/mnt/deb/boot/linux-2.2.16 . I then make a symlink in redhat from
/boot/linux-2.2.16 to /mnt/deb/boot/linux-2.2.16, ie:

# cd /boot
# ln -s /mnt/deb/boot/linux-2.2.16 .

I do the same for the slackware partition kernel. Then I run lilo, after
making sure that I have my lilo configuration correct. It works!


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