Thanks for the response.

I have tried to set up a telnet session using both the ip and host name.
When using the ip number I get just the "telnet> " prompt with no error
messages.  When I use the host name and get and "Unknown Host" error.  I can
ping the ip address without any problem.


On Thu, Sep 28, 2000 at 11:38:13AM -0400, Kimsey-Hickman, Brian wrote:
> I am a new Debian (2.2) user and am trying to set up an Intel machine for
> two NIC cards.  One NIC will monitor (tcpdump) one ethernet segment while
> telnet into the machine on the other NIC on another segment.  eth0 is on
> segment I want to monitor. eth1 is the one I was planning to telnet into.
> The problem is that I do not get a login prompt when I telnet into the
> device, I get a "telnet> " prompt.  If someone could point me in the right
> direction, either to some written resources or advice, I would greatly
> appreciate it.

Did you try "telnet ip_or_name_of_machine"? You only
get a prompt if you only type in "telnet". What error messages do you get?
Can you ping your machine's ip-adresses?

Thomas Guettler

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