I don't think so! The rtl8139 driver is ONLY for the
DFE530TX+, the DFE530TX uses the via-rhine driver. They 
are not interchangeable.

Alvin Oga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: hi ya...

: try using the RT1839 driver instead ???

: have fun
: alvin
: http://www.linux-1U.net....3 NIC 1Us.....1U Raid5....

: On 29 Sep 2000, Arcady Genkin wrote:

:> I have a D-Link 530 card using a compiled-in via-rhine driver as eth0.
:> The card is talking to an identical card in a computer that runs
:> FreeBSD.  I'm seeing collisions on the Linux side of the link, and am
:> wondering what parameters I should pass the kernel to force the card
:> into Full-duplex 100base mode, and how to pass those params.  (I
:> already did that on the FreeBSD side).
:> FWIW, here's the output from ifconfig and dmesg:
:> ,----[ dmesg ]
:> | via-rhine.c:v1.01 2/27/99  Written by Donald Becker
:> |   http://cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov/linux/drivers/via-rhine.html
:> | eth0: VIA VT3043 Rhine at 0xe800, 00:50:ba:a9:13:f6, IRQ 10.
:> | eth0: MII PHY found at address 8, status 0x782d advertising 05e1 Link 0000.
:> |   PCI latency timer (CFLT) is unreasonably low at 32.  Setting to 64 
:> `----
:> ,----[ ifconfig ]
:> | eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:BA:A9:13:F6  
:> |           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
:> |           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
:> |           RX packets:448934 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
:> |           TX packets:266302 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
:> |           collisions:7766 txqueuelen:100 
:> |           Interrupt:10 Base address:0xe800
:> `----
:> Thanks!
:> -- 
:> Arcady Genkin
:> Don't read everything you believe.
:> -- 
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: -- 
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*   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
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* W. Paul Mills              *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.              *
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* Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
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