did you enable expermintal driver support? that should make the rtl8139
driver show up ..i use htat card in a lot of systems too.


On Sat, 30 Sep 2000, Cam Ellison wrote:

cam_el >I have an ethernet card that requires the rtl8139 driver.  The driver
cam_el >is present in the kernel source (2.2.17), but xconfig (not to mention
cam_el >config and menuconfig) does not make it available for selection, i.e.
cam_el >it is greyed out.  To forestall the obvious question, yes, I have a
cam_el >number of networking options set to "Y", Network device support is set
cam_el >to "Y", Loadable module support is Enabled, the Kernel module loader is
cam_el >set to "Y", Networking support and PCI support are on (it is a PCI
cam_el >card).  IF you need to know more, I have attached the entire setup.
cam_el >
cam_el >The card is installed, and ifconfig displays it correctly.
cam_el >
cam_el >Why is this happening (or not happening, depending on your
cam_el >perspective)?
cam_el >
cam_el >What do I do about this?  
cam_el >
cam_el >Thank you, anyone, for whatever help you can provide.  This is driving
cam_el >me nuts!
cam_el >
cam_el >Cam
cam_el >
cam_el >
cam_el >
cam_el >Cam Ellison, Ph.D., R.Psych.
cam_el >
cam_el >
cam_el >>From the lovely Sunshine Coast, where it only SEEMS to rain.
cam_el >
cam_el >
cam_el >
cam_el > 
cam_el >

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