On Sun, Oct 01, 2000 at 07:40:17AM -0500, John Hasler wrote:

> > lpr: connect: Connection refused jobs queued, but cannot start daemon.
> Looks like an unrelated problem.

I agree, and I've been having the same problems.  Well technically a
friend rather than me, but it's an odd problem.  I eventually
wondered if it was a BIOS problem, and found that the BIOS had the
parallel port set to an odd mode.. SPP or EPP is okay, but I think
bi-directional modes cause problems.  Setting it to a simpler value
seemed to partially solve the problem (or maybe just change the
error message ;)

I think the first thing to check is whether or not your kernel is
actually recognising the parallel port: check for an /proc/parport,
and more specifically what it says in /proc/parport/0/hardware.

> > I wonder if apsfilter, lprng, or CUPS would be better
> Lprng is not a replacement for magicfiler.  It replaces lpr.  I'm
> using it.


> Could someone who knows about printers help Willy?  It isn't my area.  I
> just spoke up because I have a BJC-1000.

I'd love help with this problem too.. though my friend has a
BJC-2000SP, but that's also supposed to be compatible with the
bjc600 for filter purposes.


Dare I disturb the universe?  You bet I do! :)

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