On Mon, Oct 02, 2000 at 01:58:19PM +0200, Christian Pernegger wrote:
> Hi list!
> I added 'keyring /usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg'
> to my ~/.gnupg/options file, but interestingly this does not
> work.
> gpg tries to create a temporary file in /usr/share/keyrings/
> when mutt verifies a signature. (That fails.)
> Of course I can import the keyring but then it'd be rather
> pointless to put it in /usr/share/, wouldn't it?
> How do you use the debian-keyring?

just like you did, but i have it listed first, and my personal
keyrings in ~/.gnupg listed last.

this works fine for me.

# keyrings
keyring /usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg
keyring pubring.gpg
secret-keyring secring.gpg

gpg when downloading a key from the keyserver will add it to the last
keyring listed, if that is /usr/share... then it will fail obviously.
(unless your being naughty and running around as root all the time ;-))

Ethan Benson

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Description: PGP signature

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