Andreas Rabus wrote:
> Greetings,
> sitting in my box, checking my logs...
> and trying to log from Host A to Host B with tcp i always get some strange
> "error" Messages when starting my syslog-ng with option "-d":
> "Error Creating AF_INET socket (Operation now in progress)"
> The log are setup up as in the demo configuratuion in the  doc dir.
> src on host B allows tcp from host A, host A has destinations woth tcp.
> Host A ist a woody, Host B a potato.
> Is this a bug or am i that stupid?
> Thanks in advance,
>         ar
> --
> [ampersand online agentur]
> [andreas rabus]
> [programmierung]
> theresienstraße 29 / IV
> 80333 münchen
> tel 0 89 - 28 67 72 - 27
> fax 0 89 - 28 67 72 - 21
> --
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Find this in your /etc/init.d/sysklogd and make it similar on your receiving

# Options for start/restart the daemons~
#   For remote UDP logging use SYSLOGD="-r"~

BTW, this is from a potato box.

Mike Fedyk                   "They that can give up essential liberty
Information Systems           to obtain a little temporary safety
Match Mail Productions Inc.   deserve neither liberty nor safety."
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                   Ben Franklin

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