On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 01:53:14PM +0300, Denis J. Cirulis wrote:
> Hello ! 
> I want to make (of course if it's possible) some kinda instalation profile.
> I want to add only these deb packages to be installed which i'll select, but I
> want to automate this task cause too much time is wasted to choose packages on
> each machine. If there is some kickstart install would you be so kind and 
> point
> me to the good documentation on how to implement this.

you cannot entirely automate the install, but you can skip the entire
package selection process (which is the biggest thing IMO) by doing
the following:

source machine$ dpkg --get-selections \* > package.selections

destination machine# dpkg --set-selections < package.selections
destination machine# apt-get dselect-upgrade

that will remove any packages from the destination you removed from
the source and install any packages you installed on the source.

Ethan Benson

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