On Sat, Oct 07, 2000 at 10:36:26AM +0200, Michael Steiner wrote:

> I can't play .wav or .mp3 files on my system.
> I can play cdroms.
> cdparanoia seems to work and encodes cdrom-tracks to .wav files, but
> when I try to play them no sound at all (splay, mpg123 ...)
> I have a Creative VibraX card installed.

Most likely you'll have to compile a new kernel with support for
your particular sound card (or rather, the chipset it uses). Do cat
/dev/sndstat to see the current status.

> Question:
> 3. What resources are needed to play mp3 or wav files ?

Install the sox package, which will give you sox and the "play"
wrapper which can play wavs.  mpg123 is a popular (non-free) console
mp3 player, or XMMS for a graphical one (GTK-based).

> 4. What modules do I need ?

soundcore.o, sound.o (generic support) plus your particular soundcard.



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