* David Z Maze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Rino Mardo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> RM> heh.  just want we need someone from #linux recommending RTFM.  if
> RM> you read my message right, security updates are done via http in
> RM> /etc/apt/sources.list what i'm looking for is if someone has done
> RM> it using ftp as i can't.
> Why can't you?  Have you made the appropriate change to your
> sources.list?  IIRC, APT should work just fine with FTP.  (Also IIRC,
> APT slightly predates the widespread appearance of HTTP Debian
> mirrors...)

The homepage for security updates only lists http URLs; check


Kjetil Ødegaard, Orakeltjenesten ITEA, NTNU

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