On Mon, 9 Oct 2000, Rino Mardo wrote:

> Ever since I switched (temporarily) to using OE some peoples mails appear as
> attachments.  I didn't have this problem before with mutt.  BTW, on the same
> topic, is it sane to use Emacs for reading mails in Windows or are there any
> other mailreaders for Windows that is not OE-ish.  I ask this as I know
> there are Windows users in the list also who maybe using different mail
> clients.
Well, I recently started using debian and about the only thing I miss is
Eudora Pro. There's probably a good MUA for debian out there with equal
capabilities, but I haven't found it yet. This message comes from Pine (which 
I use at work and find wonderful), but I haven't seen a mail client that's 
as good as Eudora when it comes to things like forwarding with predefined 
messages (stationaries) and stuff like that. Maybe that's just because I 
don't know yet what's out there... 

Anyway if you're looking for a good MUA on one of the MS platforms I'd look
at Eudora (handles attachments like a charm and has an almost clean bill of
health regarding security). If you want cross-platform useability then I'd 
recommend Pine (I use it at work on a NT box and at home with debian, both
with the same .pinerc).


Grx HdV

P.S. Can anyone tell me if mutt handles stationaries? And if so, can it use
them with forwarding in a way similar to Eudora?

Support bacteria - 
they're the only culture some people have.

J.A. de Vries aka HdV
Delft University of Technology
Computing Centre


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