On Wed, 11 Oct 2000, Liam Ward wrote:

> I'm currently using PHP3 and my config files have similar stuff to 
> yours (but without the PHP4 bits, obviously enough).
> You're looking in the wrong place here. Netscape does not need to 
> know anything special to process PHP. It's Apache that spots that the 
> file is in fact a PHP script and processes it. Netscape just gets 
> plain old HTML.
> I call my scripts scriptname.php3 (I've always done that and it's 
> always worked). I just tried renaming a script to .php and it didn't 
> work. So, my guess is that you should name your script .php4.

Nope - that doesn't work either, it doesn't want to download it, but
nothing is displayed.

Where are your .php3 files kept, somewhere special?

I'm running out of ideas now.  I'm obviously missing something because
noone else seems to have had this problem.  If it hasn't been resolved by
tonight, then I'm ripping out PHP4 and Apache and building them from
source.  I know what'll happen then - the Apache start will fail with
syntax errors just like it did when I was using RH6.1!

Oh well, either it works for you or it doesn't.  Thanks anyway. :-(

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