On Thu, 12 Oct 2000, kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 12, 2000 at 08:02:54PM +0100, Ted Wager ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > Hi.
> >     Could anyone tell me if there is a definitive Debain book
> > or recommend any book specific to Debian ??
> I'd generally go with a few general GNU/Linux references (e.g.:
> _Runnining Linux_ and _Linux in a Nutshell_ from O'Reilly), and the
> Debian docs both online and at http://www.debian.org/.  There is an
> O'Reilly _Learning Debian GNU/Linux_ book, but I don't particularly
> recommend it.  
> Surprisingly, Sams (a MacMillan imprint) has a rather good, slim,
> red-spined volume on Debian which covers basic installation and
> configuration.  It ships with Slink (dated), but is otherwise quite
> good.  I make a habit of avoiding Sams imprints at all costs, it's a
> revlation that they can actually produce a book worth the paper it's
> printed on -- and then some:
> http://www1.fatbrain.com/asp/bookinfo/bookinfo.asp?theisbn=0672317451
> Thomas Down, _Installing Debian Gnu/GNU/Linux_, Sams, (c) 11/1999,
> 197 Pages, ISBN: 0672317451
> List Price: $24.99
        Thanks for the info...I have d/loaded some of the Debian docs. I have
also read Dummies do a Debian issue so Will go to my bookstore tomorrow
and make a request...
    Thanks for your time.. 
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