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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

> Sorry for the off-topic post, but I figure you folks are some of the
> best to ask this question of.
> Is there an open document format that is widely available on Windows,
> Mac, and Linux, that can do all the stuff that the proprietary formats
> (.DOC, .WPD, etc) can do (such as graphics, tables, columns,
> font/attributes, indenting, justification, super/subscripts,
> footnotes, endnotes, math formulas, etc)?
> My goal is to try and weed campus staff/faculty/students away from
> proprietary formats (esp. .DOC) to open formats, for three reasons:
>    1) prevent the spread of macro viruses
Concentrate on this one.  For some odd reason, some people have trouble
comprehending the other two.

>    2) increase cross-platform/version compatibility
>    3) decrease the reliance on MS-Office so it'll be easier to convert
> them eventually to a different OS (hint hint)

.wpd (WordPerfect) seems to work pretty decent.  I also like to use HTML, 
but that doesn't fit your needs.

If you don't need the documents to change, I would recommend Adobe Acrobat
.pdf files.

If you *do* need to pass around documents for editing, then MS Word's .doc
is your one and only choice.

Just be anal about anti-virus software (like have it automatically try to
update every Monday @ noon or something like that).

- -- 
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Phil Brutsche                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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