Ok, I guess the uninstall of portmap didn't kill the process. After
killing it, and doing another portscan, all is better. I am running
bind, so I guess I want 'domain' running on 53.

Thanks :)

Marc Wilson wrote:
> Port 111 is the portmapper (for NFS and other RPC services) and port 53 is
> BIND (DNS).  If you're not running NSF, you really don't need the portmapper
> for much (although you can protect it with TCP Wrappers), and you don't need
> BIND unless you're either providing name service for a domain, or running a
> caching name server for your own use.
> -----
> Marc Wilson
> http://www.moonkingdom.net/mwilson
>  -----Original Message-----
> Sent:   Thursday, October 19, 2000 12:02 AM
> To:     Debian
> Subject:        sunrpc on port 111 and domain on port 53
> I'm making some efforts to tighten up security on my home server. I've
> been closing some services that I don't need, and after thinking I'd
> cleared everything out, I did an nmap scan of the box. Everything was as
> it should be except for sunrpc on port 111 and domain on port 53. I
> couldn't find any packages with dpkg -l which contained any part of that
> string. Plus, there is no whatis or man information.

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