rob, i'm sure people will barf at what i'm about to say...

i've found imwheel to be a bad program.  i had trouble with what got "wheel
focus".   for example, if netscape worked with the wheel, then my xterms
wouldn't, and vice versa.

here's a better idea:

1. put a z-axis mapping line in your xfree86config file
2. make sure you're using the imps/2 protocol
3. there's a webpage -- forget the guy's name, but his first (or maybe
last?) name is colas and he's from france.  he has an extensive page on
wheelie mice.  he has config lines you can put in .Xdefaults to take care of
programs, like netscape, which do not support wheelie mice.

this worked beautifully for me.  much better than the imwheel package.

btw, many programs already support the wheelie mouse -- xterm and friends
(rxvt, eterm, etc), star office, etc.

there's only a few important ones (netscape comes to mind) which don't.


----------------------------------------------------------------   linux
To err is human, to forgive is divine.      [EMAIL PROTECTED]     _
To oink is porcine, to meow is feline.    ._.
To neigh is equine to howl is lupine,                               /v\
To moo is bovine to bleat is ovine.                                // \\
----------------------------------------------------------------   ^^ ^^
  The best way to accelerate a win95 system is at 9.81 m/s^2       rules

On Sat, 21 Oct 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'm trying to get m MS wheel mouse to work in X, but am having no luck. 
> I've gotten everything working but the wheel, and I'm tried installing
> imwheel and reading the docs, but the wheel still doesn't work.  I'm
> using the mouse in X via gpm (/dev/gpmdata), and nothing I have tried
> has worked.  I've looked at the scrolling wheel help page, but it didn't
> help either.  According to the imwheel homepage, imwheel is supposed to
> come with a special version of gpm, but that doesn't seem to be the case
> with the Debian package.  Can anyone help my get the wheel working?  Do
> I need that special version of gpm?  Any help would be appreciated.
> Rob
> -- 
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