Dear Martin!

I respect you and your meaning. I looked at and thik this: Ok, a chain
letter could contain a virus. And i know that somebody don´t like letters
like this. But have this people the right to say chain letter are always

Some people like to make big panic at media. Every day this happens on
radio, tv and also in the internet. If i would beleve al this informaitions
i had always fear to get a virus (equal whether i get it on compuer or my
body) or another very bad thing will happen with me. And i´m not stupid,
cause i look for the best i can do to prevent the bad result. In this case i
checked my computer for viruses and nothing would be find. The chain letter
seems to be clean. And don´t forget : Nobody is perfect. So please respect
me if i made a mistake.

I you where the owner of this newsgroup i would respect your request and you
would see no more chain letters of me here. And if i think about sending
another chain letter to this place i will think on you. If here are more
then one people who ton´t like those letters i think it is better for all to
let it be. And i think i will not send another chain letter again into this
newsgroup. I got much of chain letters in the last three years and this was
the only one that i liked to send it others, cause it has an important

Are you shure that nobody wants and needs some chain letters? I think much
of these letters are unnecessery. However not all! Isn´t it the content that
will decide if it is unnecessery or not and not the fact that it is a chain


----- Original Message -----
From: Martin Fluch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Matthias Mann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <>
Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2000 11:13 AM
Subject: Re: TO ALL!

Hi Matthias,

to send _any_ type of chain letters is anything else but a good thing,
_especialy_ on mailing lists. For mor information (in German) see

or more precisely

Please don't send any chain letters of any type here (or anywhere). Nobody
want's them. Nobody needs them.


On Sun, 22 Oct 2000, Matthias Mann wrote:

> Preface : This is a little story to think about. It could change your
>      cause it´s useful to save life. Author is unknown. This story was
>     translated on saturday october 21´th 2000 by MatMan. I´m very
>     sorry if they are some mistakes into text. I´m a german boy (29 yet,
>     but i have to learn!) There seems to be no copyright : Copy it. So
>     much you like!
> [...]
> Epilog : Sombody made the work to write this message. And i
>     spend my time to translate it. Please send this message to so
>     much people you can do. We will see whether we can build a
>     chain around the world. A chain that can show all poeples :
>     Alcohol and driving car does not match to each other.

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