Yes, I have Slackware and Debian on the same system.
The only things I share are the swap partition, /opt 
and an unusual partition I use called /archive which 
holds my software archives, downloads, html,  music,
graphics, and shared data files.

I tried to share /home, but  gave up  because of the
userid problems between systems. Doing  with  system
dirs like /usr, /var, /etc, /tmp etc. should NOT  be 
tried because of userid, permissions, ownerships and
numerous other mismatches.

I keep several commonly used programs in /opt  which
includes mainly third party software which I install
manually to be used by both systems.  The  following
programs run  perfectly well  from /opt  across both
systems: netscape, xv, maxwell, abiword, WordPerfect
Ted, jdk1.2, nasm, BlueFish and numerous scripts and
programs. All these programs are statically linked &
would run independently. Note : "/opt/bin" is  on my 
default path set in /etc/profile of both systems.

USM Bish

On Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 12:34:07PM -0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Another question (It's half off-topic, I know):
> I'm installing Red Hat. Is there anyone that has 2 different linux OS's in
> the same machine, and was able to optimize disk space? Say, symlink a few
> directories (/home, for example) from one installation to another? It would
> not only optimize disk space, but it would keep the same user files under
> both installations.
> Thanks again,
> Gaucho

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