
Is there any way that I can play video on my Linux system in *fullscreen*
mode?  By fullscreen, I mean that the images are scaled to the size of my
entire screen.

I have smpeg (plaympeg) version 0.4.0 and SDL version 1.1.5 as well as
mtvp (MpegTV) version on my system.  They both advertise
"fullscreen" but the result is not what I described above.  Rather than
scaling the movie, the video is played back at the original size, but with
a giant black border.  So my screen is wholly covered in black, but only
about 1/10 of the screen is actually video.

Is there another software package I need to install?  Or is this a
limitation of my video hardware?  I have a Matrox Millenium I (the
lowliest of the Milleniums I guess) with 4mb of (video) RAM.  My computer
is a Pentium II 266 with 96mb of RAM.


"I may make you feel, but I can't make you think."
        -- Jethro Tull, "Thick as a Brick"

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