Hi all... I am trying to find info on which key combinations in Debian
(using the Latin-1 keyboard map) generate the various "dead key" symbols,
e.g. inverse question mark, vowels with accent marks, etc.

I've searched through the HOWTOs.  I can find all sorts of info on how to
configure X or various programs allow use of the dead keys.  This is good.
What seems to be missing is a map of what key combinations produce what.
I'm looking for the info both for X and the normal console.

Can someone point me where to RTFM?  Thanks!

        bob billson       email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       ham: kc2wz
                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                    (\                              /)
          Linux                    {|||8-  beekeeper ...4 years  -8|||}
   Join the snowball!!              (/   60,000 head of livestock   \)

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