Jeff Lessem wrote:

> In your message of: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 18:20:27 EDT, you write:
> >According to [1], the mirrors will be afected, so to create them it is said 
> >the
> >some "exclude" tweaking must be done. Does anyone have the info -or the 
> >script-
> >for what exactly is meant????
> >Mirroring Potato, getting ready for 2.2_r1
> I use the "mirror" perl script to maintain a local mirror of i386
> potato and woody.  So that I do not download files for all of the
> architectures I am not interested in, my mirror configuration file for
> the Debian archives has lines like
>         exclude_patt+|binary-sparc|disks-sparc
> in it.  In the future (if I understand things correctly) there will no
> longer be binary-$arch directories; all of the binaries will be in
> the same directories.  So that I don't download the .deb files for the
> architectures I do not want I will have to add some lines like
>         exclude_patt+|sparc.deb|sparc.changes
> --
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Do you mean the mirror option from apt-move? Or some other script? If the last, 
have no clue about it. please indicate where....

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