On Fri, Oct 27, 2000 at 10:06:16PM -0700, Mr. Strockbine wrote:
> when my FAT32 file systems are mounted at
> boot time the owner and group are "root".
> As a regular user I can read files but not
> write them.
> I have the user option in my /etc/fstab file
> like so:
> /dev/hdc6  /matrox/mx6 vfat defaults,user 0 2
> so I can `umount' and then `remount' as a regular
> user and then I'm the owner and group and I have
> read write permission.
> so what's the point of having this file system
> automatically mounted at boot time?  Or is there
> another way around this?

do you really need to be able to mount/umount the filesystem as you?
i am guessing not, so i would change your fstab entry to:

/dev/hdc6  /matrox/mx6 vfat rw,noexec,uid=1000,umask=022 0 2

change uid= to your uid (run id -u as yourself to find this) if you
don't want other users to be able to see files on this filesystem
change umask to 077 instead of 022.  if you want a group to be able to
access it add gid= with the appropriate group id (numerical) and set
the umask appropriatly.  (027, 007, and 002 are all common candidates.)

Ethan Benson

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