Netscape 3 - Very much outdated now. Netscape 3 really isn't worth much
consideration anymore.

Netscape 4.75 - Useable... I haven't had any major problems with Netscape
4. On the downside, sometimes it seems to render pages differently than
the Windows or MacOS versions.

Mozilla - I've used it on Windows machines without much of a problem. Skip
the Netscape 'Preview' releases and go for the Milestones.

I'd suggest using Mozilla as your primary browser. Keep Netscape 4.75
acound for the times Mozilla shows its rough edges.

On Sat, 28 Oct 2000, Jonathan Gift wrote:

> Hi,
> Any comments on the most stable, fastest of the browsers? Any other options
> other than Opera?
> Thanks,
> Jonathan
> -- 
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