On Sat, 28 Oct 2000, Pollywog wrote:

> > just to make sure -- did i simply not see ipchains or was it really replaced
> > by netfilter?
> It is possible to keep using ipchains by compiling the appropriate kernel
> module.  I was using it until I got iptables working.
cool - i'd like to do this until i get a chance to sit down and learn
netfilter.  i assume i can simply cd into /usr/src/linux-2.2.17/wherever and
do a modprobe -a ipchains.o?

what is the appropriate module?

> > i'd like to learn how to drop packets coming from a particular host -- is
> > there a netfilter howto yet?  i didn't see anything on LDP.
> There is one on Debiandiary (or a link to one) and there are some ready-made
> iptables scripts.
sorry, i'm pretty new to debian.  what is debiandiary?


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