There are those who would have you believe that Jonathan Wheelhouse wrote:
> Recently I installed Branden's debs for X 4.0.1c (deb
> woody/$(ARCH)/) because, frankly,
> vga16 @ 640 x 480 sucks with a GeForce2 GTS card.
> So, now, woohoo, the desktop looks great and I don't spend much time
> in the console.
> But my question is - I thought that I had to grab the Linux drivers
> from the NVIDIA site to make things work; it seems I don't.
> /var/log/gdm says the NV driver supports the GeForce2 GTS.
> So, is it that for 3d I need the NVIDIA drivers?

Yes, for accelerated GL support.

> And what are some good apps for checking frame rates and also showing
> off the power of the card?

Quake 3, Unreal Tournament

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