I partially upgraded my glibc2 from 2.0.7 to 2.1.2,  
I received an error message at upgrading 'libc6-dev'.
After that my system was broken (it's a slink version).
I can't compile anything now with gcc.

Now I try to upgrade to potato. I can use dselect, but after 
'Install' I receive the following message:

  /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure: No such file

I think it's a serious problem, as the selected packages are
not fully installed... (there are dependency problems...).

My 'dpkg' is came with potato. What can I do now? Continue the
upgrading to potato with dpkg?? But I don't know what packages are
needed and in what order... Just do a trial and error??

Can anyone help me with suggestions?


GYULAI Mihály   http://gyulai.freeyellow.com  Rejtő Jenő művei, Linux

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