Dear All,

I'm trying to set up Gnus with Emacs 20 and using leafnode - I want Gnus to
to its reading off-line.  I think I've pointed gnus in the right direction,
and things start up right, but then I get 
"nntp read"  

in the minibuffer and for about 40 mins it reads something that is over 2MB
in size, and that's not my .newsrc file!

This is my .gnus file

(setq gnus-select-method '(nntp "localhost"))
(setq gnus-read-active-file nil)

Can anyone suggest a way of speeding this up? (Apart from using slrn!)


Glyn M

                   * None can love freedom heartily but good men; *
                   *    the rest love not freedom but license     *
                   *                John Milton                   *

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