use c-a-F1 to switch to a virtual console, run xf86config from there.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Merante [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, October 30, 2000 2:19 PM
> To:
> Subject:      X config problem causes me to have reinstall entire
> OS--!!newbie  warning!!
> Is there a keystroke combination that will prompt the
> boot commands and allow me to skip the load X windows
> command?
> (BTW, if I have posted this on a non-newbie list, I
> apoloogize and I will seek help elsewhere)
> After I have configured X and go to run it, my monitor
> goes blank and the green light on the monitor turns to
> a yellow light (no signal).
> No problem, reboot and run xf86config again until I get
> the setting correct, right?
> Wrong.  Everytime I boot after I have killed my screen,
> the OS skips right over the prompt and goes right into
> the blank screen.
> Now I have no doubt that this is my fault and perhaps
> even the fault of my vid card and I can live with
> having to rectify it.
> But I don't want to reinstall the system each time I
> change the config!  I don't even mind going in to the
> file and changing things manually, if only I could get
> to a command prompt before my screen goes black!
> There has got to be a keystroke combination that will
> prompt the boot commands and allow me to skip the load
> X windows command.
> Right...?
> Right.......?
> Please help,
> Thanks
> -- 
> Jim Merante
> Utility Trailer Mfg.
> Dealer Information Systems Administrator
> 626-854-7341

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