Well, I guess the answer is that home.net was messed up or
something. It started working again this morning.

On Mon, Oct 30, 2000 at 01:19:56PM -0800, Aaron Brashears wrote:
> I go to work. I ssh to my home server to check email. No problem. A
> few hours later, I try to ssh again, but it fails with the error
> mesage:
> ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
> I then ssh over to another server and then ssh to my my home server -
> this works fine (see, I'm sending email now.)
> After playing around with killing/restarting sshd processes, I filed
> the erroneous report ealier about refused connections. It ends up that
> I sent that report while sshd wasn't running (except for the current
> session.)
> I reconfigured sshd to have verbose logging, and tried to connect. The
> log comes back with the folowing error:
> Oct 30 13:09:30 garrison sshd[17223]: warning: /etc/hosts.deny, line 15: 
> can't verify hostname: gethostbyname(ATHM-216-216-xxx-203.home.net) failed
> Oct 30 13:09:30 garrison sshd[17223]: refused connect from
> So, it seems that between this morning and this afternoon, my server
> can no longer verify my host. I have two qeutions.
> 1. How could this have happened? Something with home.net?
> 2. How can I securely fix hosts.deny so that it doesn't deny me?
> thanks

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