Brooks R. Robinson writes:
> I think it would be a crime to consider it my employers property.

A difference of opinion about the terms of a contract is not a crime.

> Further, I have been advised that even though I wrote it at home on my
> own time, that since I am a salaried employee, and I may run into
> problems.  It has been expressed that if they have any evidence to
> suggest that I might have written any part of it while at work, that they
> may have a claim to it.

If they did not pay you to work on it and you did not enter into an
explicit contract granting them rights to works they did not pay you to
work on you own it free and clear.  Whether you are salaried or hourly is
not relevant.

> I don't recall working on it while at work,...

Then don't borrow trouble: act on the assumption that you didn't.

> ...but that is not to say that I didn't.

Even if you did it is not likely that they have any claim unless you worked
on it at their direction.

Offer it to them under the GPL and make it clear that the license is not
negotiable.  Get your package out and distributed under the GPL ASAP so as
to present them with a fait accompli.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

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