When you install Debian from CD (and probably from other sources), 
you are given the option to partition your hard disc drive. If you choose
this option, and re-partition, the installer gives you the option of checking 
the drive for errors. Selecting this option is usually a good idea, because 
you never know.

If software ever detects errors on a hard drive, it's time to go shopping for a 
new hard drive (or get it replaced on warranty). The reason? The errors don't 
usually stop there. They keep increasing until the drive just dies.

Your hard drive's strange behavior and noise may actually be caused by
software. (I assume you currently have Windows installed.) If so, it's 
possible that installing Debian would fix the behavior. OTOH, if it is a 
hardware issue, it may be time to invest in a new drive. The way prices are 
going, US$100 (773 FRF (?)) will get you 75 gigabytes within a few months.
Okay, that's an exaggeration, but really not too much of one.

Good luck,

Andrew Hagen

On Sun, 29 Oct 2000 12:37:06 +0100, Jean-Paul ARGUDO wrote:

>Hi all
>I hope someone can help me, and that this message will fly thru the user 
>lists, since I had to get off the list because of 
technical problems (to many messages to be downloaded for my really low 
internet access)
>I'm a new debianeer. I want to go progressively to full linux on my machine, 
>since I have windows too, because of a scanner 
ans a webcam not recognized yet :((
>My problem is the following : my hard disk make strange worrying noizes, for 
>example, on moving big files, it suddenly stops 
with a brief loud noize then continues, then stops, etc... it's not regular but 
I worry a lot about that since I got no much money 
to buy a new disk.
>Scandisk, defrag on windows not solves the problem, It's like the disk it's 
>My question : does any program exists under Debian Linux to scan a disk an to 
>repair problems ? 
>I add that this strange noises are only under windows, on linux, no noise at 
>Thanks a lot
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