On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 09:51:54AM -0800, Jay Kelly wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have a question on Sendmail. I would like to give out email accounts but
> do not want to give them a debian account. All I want them to have access to
> is email. Can this be done? Now when I add a new email account I have to use
> "adduser" which creates a home directory. What are ISP's using?
> Thanks in advance for your help and time

create a ordinary account and set the shell to /bin/false or
/usr/bin/passwd, the latter is useful if you want to allow them to
change there password, they just ssh in get the passwd change prompts
and are kicked right out after they are done.  

/usr/bin/passwd would have to be added to /etc/shells for that to work

another poster said not to create home directories, it depends on your
pop daemon, some of them (qpopper) like to keep some files in the home
directory and may not like it if it does not exist.  most ISPs have a
home directory since the user is allowed to ftp in and put up a web
page.  this is how my ISP does it anyway.  (if you pay for shell
access you get a real shell, otherwise you get /usr/bin/passwd)

if you dont' want ftp access add the username to /etc/ftpusers or
better disable ftpd.  

if you dont' want to allow password changing you might want to use
OpenBSD's nologin so they get a message saying they can't login to a
shell, or add DenyGroups mailuser to sshd_config (you make all these
users' primary group mailusers)

Ethan Benson

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