On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 10:05:00PM +0000, Matthew Sackman wrote:
> Dear all (again)!
> I'm using a 2.4.0 test 5 kernel, which is working fine,
> I've build and installed kernel headers, and set up
> /usr/src/linux to point to the headers.

Hi Matthew (again)

I think a newer kernel could be the solution (test10)

> I am doing this as root.

you only need root to install stuff. for compilation, a normal user is

> I have the XFree 4.0.1 debs installed, and am trying to make use
> of the specific kernel modules supplied by NVidia.

According to your previous mail and this one,
you aren't that far away from it ;-)


     Florian Friesdorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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