> Debian users
> I am having intermitent luck connecting with my ISP.  I know that my 
> chat script is ok, but sometimes after the pppd starts the serial 
> connection my isp does not give my my dynamic IP address.  sometimes 
> it does and sometimes it doesn't.  
> Q>  is there a way to get the pppd to ask for the ip address 
> forcefully?  at the moment the connection just waits, and cannot 
> configure ifconfig.

Are you sure that the IP is the problem and not a symptom since something 
earlier in the setup of the ppp connection has broken?
One way to find out is to enable debugging, both in the ppp config files and 
in /etc/syslog.conf and then inspecting the log files again.

> Tom
> -- 
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        Shaul Karl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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