On Sat, 4 Nov 2000, Daniel Borgmann wrote:

> when i try to run mozilla as root it says:

> Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0          
> ---------
> what does that mean?? and yes, i did start it in X.
> when i do the same as a regular user, i get no error message at all.

Sounds like you logged in as a regular user, opened up a terminal program
like xterm, Eterm, Konsole, etc., and su'd (with the 'su' command or
similair) to root and tryed to start mozilla as root. This does not work
in Unix en thus Linux. In Unix de user that 'owns' the 'X' process that is
running is the Only user that can modify the X-screen, not even root can
do that.

This is a (security) feature not a bug. :)

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